11 Ways to Save Money While Traveling

Jessica Bauman

Follow an island girl’s adventures across the world while she discovers herself along the way!

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I was able to travel for one whole year across Asia, Oceania, and Europe with only €10,000 / $11,000USD! And after reading this article, so will you. Keep on reading to find out the 11 best ways to save money while traveling.

That’s including flights, accommodation, food, activities… everything.

Traveling had always been one of my passions, and after my 25th birthday, I decided to leave France to go travel around Asia mainly, for 6 months. But now, here I am, over a year later, on a Working Holiday Visa in New Zealand, having traveled to 13 different countries on a tight budget and enjoying every single second of it. Here are all my secrets!

Doi Inthanon National Park, Thailand

1.     Save Up As Much Money As Possible Before Leaving

To start off on the right foot, as soon as you’ve taken your decision to leave, you will need to start (or continue) saving up some money. I left with €6,000 in my pocket (after spending €1,000 on my first one-way ticket), for 6 months. It wasn’t a lot, and I knew it, so I had to be careful. I wish I’d saved more, but in a way, I don’t. Thanks to the fact that I wanted to travel longer, I needed to find a solution to make more money. And I did!

I recommend only spending your money on essentials (accommodation & food), nothing else, and putting the rest aside. You’ll be amazed at how much money you’ll have saved up after cutting out all other expenses!

2.     Limit Alcohol And Cigarette Consumption

Alcohol is expensive everywhere around the world. Even in countries where the cost of living is very cheap, alcoholic drinks are still very high up there, especially cocktails! In Bali & Thailand, I mostly bought beers when I wanted to take the edge off and party, or I’d buy the cheap (and local) alcohol in convenient stores and just make my own mix with it. I definitely regretted those nights the next day – massive headaches! But just know there still is a cheap option out there.

Cigarette prices really depend on which country you’re in. I don’t smoke, but I’ve heard that in Australia & New Zealand, one pack of cigarette ranges between $30.00AUD and $38.00NZ for a 25-pack. This is a HUGE amount! But then, in Thailand or Indonesia, a pack of 20 costs no more than €3.00! Apparently, they’re bad and disgusting though.

So, on this point, it really depends on where you’re traveling. I’ve met many travelers that quit smoking because of the huge expense it was!

Psst, check out my article on the must need apps to travel! 

3.     Eat Like A Local

Aaaah, my favorite topic; food! Anywhere you go, eating like a local is the best way to save a bunch of money while traveling. And you’ll be surprised at how delicious the meals are! Of course, it depends on where you go; a Pad Thai from the night market in Chiang Mai, Thailand for 60bt (€1.60/$1.75US) isn’t even comparable to a $30.00AUD BBQ in Australia.

save money while traveling

Train Street in Hanoi, Vietnam

It can be very tempting to go in a fancy looking restaurant in Bali for example because at the end of the day, prices are still a bit cheaper than Western ones. So of course you’ll want to splurge here and there, and you should! But if you limit yourself and mostly eat where the locals eat, you’ll save a ton of money, discover new flavors, and meet incredible locals.

4.     Travel Slowly – a Great Way to Save Money While Traveling

Traveling slowly is my favorite way of traveling. You get to enjoy the scenery because you’re taking a 10-hour long bus instead of a 1h30min flight. You also get to stop in cities less popular and so less touristy, that you wouldn’t have gone to otherwise. Taking your time, not stressing about crunching in all the activities and flights together. AND, you get to save sooo much money by taking a bus/train instead of a flight.

And a huge bonus, is that you reduce your carbon emissions when you choose to travel slowly!

Thinking of solo traveling? Check out here if it’s made for you or not.


5. Set Yourself A Daily, Weekly Or Monthly Budget

Learn how to manage your money properly, because there will be activities, experiences or hotels that you will not want to miss out on. Without over planning, ask around and look up on the internet what the unmissable things to do are in the country or city you’re traveling to. This is a really great way to save money while traveling!

Even though you’re on a tight budget, you need to know where you want to spend your money the most. That requires making sacrifices, but it all comes down to your preferences. So, set yourself a budget to respect and you’ll be able to do things that excite you the most!

For example, in Nepal, I preferred eating only in very cheap local restaurants (which were still very yummy) for a couple weeks, to be able to jump off the 2nd highest bungee jump in the world and the highest swing in the world.

In Australia, I traveled 4,500km in 7 days in a Mercedes van, and for that, I mostly ate pasta for a week and went through Apollo, a relocation van company that charges you $1 a day for the van rental, but you’ve got a time limit.

In Malaysia, I ate noodles and rice for 2 weeks to save up for Singapore, one of the most expensive countries in the world.

I’ve slept in airports many times, to save on accommodation.

In Nepal, I did the Langtang Trek instead of the Everest Base Camp, because I still wanted to hike the Himalayas.

In Thailand, I stayed in the cheapest hostel on booking.com, and set myself a strict daily budget because I wanted to live there for 2 months.

Traveling cheap also means compromising. You just need to think ahead and choose your priorities carefully.
