“One day, your life will flash before your eyes, make sure it’s worth watching.”

Welcome to my world!

Born and raised on a French island lost in the middle of the Pacific, my goal is to make people fall in love with New Caledonia – almost as much as I am.

My desire is to share my unforgettable experiences with the world as I discover this magnificent planet we live in, being a full-time traveler.

On this blog, you can expect to find everything you need to know about New Caledonia, my thoughts, travel guides from all over the world, and my personal stories.

I do have the reputation of Unexpected stories following me around…

A bit about me ☀️

“I just turned twenty-five, when am I going to start ticking things off my bucket list?”
This is where it all started.

I packed up my life in a backpack and left in seek of a cultural shock for 6 months- initially.

Traveling has always been a passion of mine, and I’ve made the choice to now do it full-time, and for quite a while.

I love adventure, food, pastry, photography and being spontaneous.

You’re always one decision away from a totally different life.
Bisous bisous