Jessica Bauman

Follow an island girl’s adventures across the world while she discovers herself along the way!

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bungee jump nepal

Did you know that Nepal has the 2nd highest bungee jump in the world, with a bridge of 228m? AND, it has THE highest swing jump in the WORLD! Yes, in the WORLD! Even though Nepal is fairly small, it offers a wide range of unforgettable and unexpected experiences – adventure for travel lovers.

Nepal is nestled in the heart of the Himalayas and it’s a true paradise for adventure seekers. If this article doesn’t make you want to book a flight right away, I don’t know what will! Nepal is overflowing with a broad range of activities to do, sights to see, food to taste, culture to discover (…) and all for very affordable prices.

If you’re an adventure enthusiast and in need of an adrenaline rush, here are some exciting activities to consider when planning your trip to Nepal:


Trekking in the Himalayas

Nepal is renowned for its world-class trekking routes, offering stunning views of snow-capped peaks, lush valleys, and charming villages. The Everest Base Camp Trek, Annapurna Circuit Trek and Langtang Valley Trek are among the most popular options, providing an opportunity to immerse yourself in the majestic beauty of the Himalayas.

I did the Langtang Valley Trek, which I wrote a full detailed article on here, is truly on the top 5 list of the best experiences in my life. It was a full 7-day immersion in the Himalayas in Nepal, meeting locals and seeing how they live, achieving a peak of 4,400m, eating like Nepalese locals, seeing breathtaking views…

I highly recommend going to Nepal JUST for trekking if you’re an adventure lover like me, but the best part is – Nepal has so many more adventurous activities to offer! In my article you can find everything you need to know about trekking in Nepal; pricing, my review, a 9-day itinerary, a packing list, permits & health information, accommodation, difficulty, how I did WITHOUT a guide…

langtang trek

Peak Climbing – Adventure during your travel in Nepal guaranteed!

For those seeking a more challenging adventure, Nepal offers numerous peaks for climbing. Some popular peaks for climbing include Island Peak (6,189m), Mera Peak (6,476m), Lobuche East (6,119m), and Pisang Peak (6,091m). These peaks are known for their stunning views and relatively accessible routes.

Before embarking on a peak climbing expedition, make sure you obtain the necessary permits. The permits required may vary depending on the peak you choose and the region you’ll be climbing in. The most common permits include the Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) climbing permit and the Sagarmatha National Park permit.

The best time for peak climbing in Nepal is during the pre-monsoon (spring) and post-monsoon (autumn) seasons. Spring (March to May) offers stable weather conditions, clear skies, and beautiful rhododendron blooms. Autumn (September to November) provides excellent visibility, mild temperatures, and stable weather.

Some peaks do require technical climbing skills and previous mountaineering experience. But rest assured – if you’re a beginner, there are several more suitable options for people with basic climbing skills.

Hiring an experienced guide or climbing Sherpa is highly recommended for peak climbing in Nepal. They possess valuable local knowledge, mountaineering expertise, and can ensure your safety throughout the expedition. You might be able to do it without a guide because regulations change quite often in Nepal, but my personal advice is to book one in advance because of the obvious risks.

Keep on reading to find out where I jumped from the 2nd highest bungee jump in the world – 228m!

mountain peak climbing nepal
source photo: Namas Adventure

Flying Over Mount Everest – An Unforgettable Adventure During Your Nepal Travel

While in Nepal, you absolutely need to book a flight over Mount Everest and the Himalayan Mountain range!

Many flight adventures are available, from budget-friendly options to luxurious ones. I personally did a budget friendly option, flying out from Kathmandu at 6AM and I was in awe in front of the world’s highest peak: Mount Everest. I wrote a full detailed article about the whole experience, who to fly with, safety, my tips on getting the best seats, the whole process… so make sure you check that out if you’re interested in the Everest Experience!

everest flight experience

Travel Adventure – White Water Rafting in Nepal

Brace yourself for an adrenaline-pumping ride as you navigate through rapids and enjoy the stunning scenery along the way.  Nepal’s rivers offer thrilling white water rafting experiences, with varying levels of difficulty. Some popular rivers for rafting include the Trishuli River, Bhote Koshi River, Seti River, Kali Gandaki River, and Sun Koshi River. Each river has its own unique characteristics, ranging from thrilling rapids to scenic beauty.

The difficulty levels are categorized from Class I (easy) to Class V (extremely challenging). Trishuli River and Seti River are ideal for beginners and families, while Bhote Koshi River and Sun Koshi River offer more challenging rapids for experienced rafters.

Rafting trips can range from a few hours to several days, with overnight camping along the riverbanks. What an incredible adventurous way to explore Nepal! Multi-day rafting expeditions allow you to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Nepal and experience the thrill of rafting for an extended period. Who knew multi-day rafting experiences existed!

And, as you navigate through the rivers in Nepal, you’ll be surrounded by lush greenery, terraced fields, and charming villages. So, make sure you keep an eye out for wildlife such as birds, monkeys, and occasionally, even larger animals like deer and wild boars.

Many of the popular rafting rivers in Nepal are easily accessible from major cities like Kathmandu and Pokhara. Rafting trips often include transportation to and from the starting and ending points of the river, making it convenient for us, travelers.

Don’t forget to be safe and listen carefully to your guide!

white water rafting pokhara nepal
source photo: Vivaan Adventure

Paragliding in Pokhara

Pokhara, known as the adventure capital of Nepal (!!!), offers a unique opportunity to soar through the skies while paragliding.

Pokhara in Nepal really has my heart, this city is so beautiful and has such a charm to it. It’s so chill and calm, the lakeside is BEAUTIFUL, and it offers a wide range of activities. I wrote a full article on Pokhara that you can read here!

Experience the exhilaration of flying above the picturesque Phewa Lake and the Annapurna Mountain range. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced paraglider, Pokhara provides an unforgettable adventure. The view is incredible and I’m sure you’ll enjoy your paraglide adventure over the lakeside.

Since paragliding in Pokhara is very popular, you do not have to worry about pre-booking a while in advance. Just go in a company that seems cool to you and find a time in the next couple days where the weather would be optimal. Prices are pretty much the same no matter where you’re booking from in Pokhara, and are a bit cheaper in person than online.

I highly recommend paragliding in Pokhara, Nepal. I wish I’d done this adventure during my Nepal travel, but unfortunately the weather wasn’t good. So, to me, it wasn’t worth it.

paragliding pokhara nepal
source photo: Himalayan Trekkers

Jungle Safari in Chitwan National Park 

Located in the southern part of Nepal, Chitwan National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the country’s most popular wildlife reserves. This adventure activity is one of my personal favorites because of how respectful it is to nature and wildlife. Us humans go into their personal space without invading or disturbing any of them!

If you’re looking for a different kind of adventure, head to Chitwan National Park in Nepal for a thrilling jungle safari. Explore the dense forests on elephant-back or jeep, and spot exotic wildlife such as rhinos, tigers, elephants, and a variety of bird species. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty and biodiversity of Nepal.

Some common safari activities include jungle walks, jeep safaris, elephant safaris, and canoe rides along the Rapti River. These activities provide different perspectives and opportunities to spot wildlife in their natural habitat.

A jungle safari in Chitwan offers an opportunity to learn about the unique Tharu culture and traditions. You can visit Tharu villages, interact with the locals, and experience their traditional dances, music, and cuisine.

From luxury resorts to eco-lodges, you can find comfortable and convenient places to stay near the park. I recommend staying within or near the park. It allows you to maximize your time for safari activities and immerse yourself in the natural surroundings during your adventure travel in Nepal.

NB: Please, please don’t participate in the elephant back riding activities. You might think that it won’t hurt elephants to have you on their backs, but the whole behind the scenes is just horrific. The elephants aren’t free (and that’s a good enough reason!) but on top of that, they are very mistreated by their owners. Please help and stop this animal abuse!

jungle safari chitwan nepal
source photo:

Bungee Jumping in Bhote Koshi near Pokhara, Nepal

I did THE HIGHEST swing in the world, and the 2nd highest bungee in the WORLD in Nepal, and I LOVED IT!

For the ultimate adrenaline rush, try bungee jumping in Bhote Koshi, the world’s 2nd highest natural bungee site, and the world’s highest swing! This is the MOST scared I’ve ever been in MY LIFE!!! And I’d do it again. And again, and again, and AGAIN!

Bhote Koshi is located about 1.5 hours away by taxi from Pokhara. I booked the whole adventure experience through The Cliff, in Pokhara. They also had transportation options available but we negotiated on our own with a taxi driver.

The whole team was awesome and professional, the facilities were surprisingly great quality and new, and the jumps were just out. of. this. world!!!

I say surprisingly because the price was so low and affordable, I immediately went in panic mode and searched everywhere on the internet if the Bhote Koshi bungee jumping in Nepal was safe and if there’d been any accidents before. And I’m very happy to confirm now that yes, the Bhote Koshi Bungee Jump is very safe. The team is very cautious and makes sure at least 5 times that you are safe before you jump. They take time with you and make sure you understand everything well. That made me feel so much safer!

And, the price was very affordable. I paid 13,500NPR / €94.00 / $103.00 for one bungee jump + one swing jump + photos & videos for both. The 3rd jump (whether it’s bungee or swing), is only 2,500NPR / €19.00 / $21.00, and the 4th is FREE! Check out their website for further information and the extra activities available.

I highly recommend doing the bungee jump and the swing jump in Nepal. I started with the bungee jump because I thought it’d be the most impressive. But in fact the swing deserves the hype also! The feeling of the free fall is just… WOW. Make sure you choose the “surprise” fall 😉

Nepal truly is heaven for adventure enthusiasts like me, offering a wide range of thrilling activities amidst stunning natural beauty. Whether you’re trekking in the Himalayas, conquering peaks, rafting through rivers, paragliding in Pokhara, exploring the jungle, or bungee jumping, Nepal promises an adventure of a lifetime.

Remember to plan your trip well in advance. Ensure you have the necessary permits and equipment, and book in advance when necessary. So, pack your bags, embrace the spirit of adventure, and get ready to create unforgettable memories in Nepal!

I hope you found this article helpful and inspiring for your adventure travel plans in Nepal!


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